Time flies! I keep saying it but I don't quite believe how true it really is. I logged in here to see my last post last month about Noa being 6 months old and already here it is 30 days later. Craziness. Well in all fairness, we were on vacation for 3 of those 4 weeks and I was in no mood to blog while we were away.
Let's sum up the last month over here: one trip to France for 3 weeks, one increasingly aware and mobile baby, one increasingly bilingual and funnier than hell three-year-old and two worn out parents. Contrary to what I had predicted, Noa is not yet crawling. In fact, she seems not too interested in conquering that milestone anytime soon. She is if not lazy then at least quite sedentary by nature. She is therefore my favorite kind of baby! It's not that she doesn't give it a shot every once in awhile because in fact she does make what appears to be quite a concentrated, difficult effort. She will lie on her stomach, push herself up as far as she can on her arms, flail her legs a bit and then finally locks her knees, digs in her toes and pikes her bottom up in the air, face planted on terra firma like a baby yogi then flops back down with her head turned to the side with a big exhale. I get exhausted just watching her cute little head give up and hit the mat. It's also quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen so I have no interest in showing her where she's going wrong or correcting her form. None at all. As far as I'm concerned, I have a vested interest in keeping her non-mobile for as long as possible since I will then have to actually keep my kitchen floor mopped as well as watch out for any little tiny toys Gianna has left as minefields in the living room.
Since I'll be updating about our trip to France in another post, I'll keep this one short and leave you with some photos of our lovelies.