Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baby movement

Ben was able to feel the baby move beginning about a week ago and now the bumps and jostles are getting more frequent and harder to ignore! We're moving right along and in just two more weeks we'll be going for the anatomy ultrasound which will also hopefully tell us "boy" or "girl"!

There are quite a few entertaining old wives' tales which claim to predict the gender well in advance of these modern medical tests. Here are a few and what they may mean for this baby:

1. If you carry high, it's a girl, low and it's a boy.  My little bump is probably higher than lower but it's still pretty early.

2. If the baby's heartrate is over 150 it's a girl. The latest doppler reading at the doctor's office gave the baby's heart rate at 140...so boy!

3. If you crave sweets, it's a girl! If you crave all things sour, it's a boy! I don't have cravings anymore but in the first trimester it was all things sour and salty. I still don't have my usual sweet tooth either. So, boy again!

4. The old chinese gender birth chart. There are many of these on the web and they can be contradictory. The one I used for my first pregnancy turned out right and this time it says I'll have another girl. 

We'll just have to wait and see...

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