Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prescient drawing

A few days ago Ben called me into the living room to show me Gi's newest artwork. They had been scribbling on a notepad together and she started drawing a picture of me. When she was done, he asked her what the picture was about and she told him it was "Mommy and baby X" (name of baby withheld because we are letting it be a surprise to our families).

She has been making faces for weeks, big round circles with two dots for eyes, a curve for a nose and smile, and squiggles for hair. That was what I was expecting to see again when I walked into the living room. Instead, I found this prescient drawing. A complete figure in profile, eyes, nose and mouth then complete with big belly and what can be seen as a uterus and baby inside. Kids can be so intuitive! And I am so proud of her budding artistic abilities. Most kids don't draw faces and recognizable real-life scenes until 3 years old. So, yeah, I'm bragging but I'm allowed to do a little bragging about my kid once in awhile.

1 comment:

  1. wow, i am impressed! that's needs framed and put in baby x's room!

    ps my kid doesn't draw faces, but he is a pro at road with cars and bunny rabbits on them. all the rabbits are named "letters." kids are amazing, eh?
